Father and Daughter at children’s art exhibition

Six and a half year old Yulia and father Aaron were the first visitors at the Khula Aasmaan children’s art exhibition of medal winning artworks from Pune region. Yulia who lives in France, was visiting Pune. It was nice of her grandfather to get both father and daughter Aaron and Yulia to see Khula Aasmaan children’s art exhibition.

Painting together

Yulia took a keen interest in the show. She saw all the paintings on display and even wrote down her remarks about the show. She was thrilled to learn that she is welcome to draw and paint at the children’s art exhibition and that all arrangements were available. It was such a wonderful sight to see both father and daughter paint. It was also remarkable that the father did not interfere with the young one.

Father and daughter - Aaron and Yulia painting at Indiaart Gallery during their visit to Khula Aasmaan children art exhibition
Father and daughter – Aaron and Yulia painting at Indiaart Gallery during their visit to Khula Aasmaan art exhibition

Khula Aasmaan will be delighted to see families visiting this show. While we were sure that children would be very keen and eager to paint, it was a pleasant surprise to see the parent also painting. Let there be more parents doing that.

More about this exhibition

Young Yulia paints at Indiaart Gallery