School children in Kumaon himalayas

Children going to schools in the hills deserve special admiration. This is because, many of them have to trek long distances to go to school. In contrast, children in the cities cannot even imagine the kind of difficulties the children in the hills have to go through. I spotted this group of children in the hills of Kumaon Himalayas in the state of Uttarakhand.

School children in Kumaon himalayas, picture by Milind Vishwas Sathe
What a way to school for these children in Kumaon himalayas

School going children – happiness despite Hardships

Over the last so many years, I have undertaken several travels in the mountains. I have been amazed by what I saw about these kids. They face considerable hardships in their day to day life. Despite the hardships, there is this happiness that radiates from the faces of these children. The above picture was shot somewhere in Kumaon hills, Uttarakhand in 2012.

Children on way to school on a Saturday morning in rural Maharashtra, picture by Milind Vishwas Sathe
Children on way to school on a Saturday morning in rural Maharashtra

The above picture was shot in 2019 in Jawhar taluka, Dist. Palghar on a saturday morning. Abundant monsoon rains had ensured that it was green all around. These kids were thoroughly enjoying their walk to the school on this wet Saturday morning.

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Paintings on himalayas

Photographs from himalayas