Painting by Anindita Ghosh

Anindita Ghosh Anindita Ghosh (24 years) from Ukhra, West Bengal, talks about her watercolour painting titled “Technology domination on human beings”. This painting won a silver medal in Khula Aasmaan international online art contest. The artist says that there was a time was there when technology was under human control but now we, humans, are so engrossed with technology, especially smartphones, that today we are getting dominated by man-made technologies.

technology domination on human beings, painting by Anindita Ghosh gets a silver medal in Khula Aasmaan online art contest
Technology domination on human beings, painting by Anindita Ghosh (24 years), watercolour on paper, size A3

Anindita Ghosh on her painting – technology domination on human beings

This painting won a silver medal in Khula Aasmaan international online art contest for October to December 2020.

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